Stegavik to Tinex Prolet?

Photo: Stegavik trains with Tinex Prolet -
Written by: Rasmus Boysen
According to the Macedonian website is the Norwegian free agent playmaker Steffen Stegavik close to signing a contract with the Macedonian club RK Tinex Prolet.
The experienced Norwegian playmaker, who moved to Macedonia with his wife Camilla Herrem, who plays for the Macedonian topclub RK Vardar, is still a free agent. The 32-year-old former Norwegian national player played in the Champions League with the Norwegian champions Elverum HH last season.
Steffen Stegavik has trained with the club from the capital of Macedonia, Skopje, RK Tinex Prolet, and he is allegedly in negotiations with the club at the moment.