Munk joins ØIF Arendal

Written by: Rasmus Boysen
The 26-year-old Danish line player Jesper Munk has signed a 2-year contract with the Norwegian League club ØIF Arendal.
Press release from ØIF Arendal:
ØIF Arendal has signed a 2-year contract with the Danish line player Jesper Munk. Jesper is currently captain and a very important player in the Danish 2nd League club Team Sydhavsøerne. The 197 centimeters tall and 97 kilo heavy line player joins ØIF Arendal from June 1. He has already visited in Arendal and attended a match against Bodø. Jesper has been wanted by several Danish top clubs but chose ØIF Arendal as his club from next season.
Jesper Munk's statement to the signing:
"After a happy visit to Arendal and some good conversation with Marinko and Bjørn-Gunnar, I was not in doubt. I want to go to Norway and ØIF Arendal to be part of this exciting project. I want to be part of the club's dream. Playing annually about titles and invest in Europe, this appeals to me."
"I saw a fight in Sparebanken Sør Amfi and noticed right away the atmosphere and pressure, who can say no to this stunning venue and such fans?"
Head coach Marinko Kurtovic:
"Jesper is the line player we have searched for a long time. Both as a handball player and as a type and person. With our ambitions for the future, it is important to supplement the squad with the right profiles. With hard working handball players who stand for training culture and the right "attitude"."
"With Jesper in the squad we have two very different line player types. It will give our opponents great challenges. Jesper is incredibly good at getting in gaps and make himself always playable."
"It has also been important to us that he is a "memorial" in the club he has come from. He is a leader type who grabs the game when needed. He is currently the captain of his team. It shows that he stands for something that is important for their club and their manager. He is a leader on the pitch."
"Jesper is in his prime as a handball player. He is curious to evolve as a person and player. We are confident that this is nailed both on and off the field."