Finnish champions signs Serbian left wing

Written by: Rasmus Boysen
The Finnish champions Käsipalloseura Riihimäen Cocks has signed a contract with the Serbian left wing Bojan Zupanjac.
Press release from Käsipalloseura Riihimäen Cocks:
Bojan Zupanjac to strengthen Cocks
Cocks has signed a contract with the Serbian left wing Bojan Zupanjac until the end of this season. Experienced 33-year-old Bojan Zupanjac has already arrived in Riihimäki and started training with Cocks.
Zupanjac comes to Riihimäki from the Serbian club RK Spartak Voyut. In the season 2015-16 Vojput participated in the SEHA league, where Zupanjac was the fifth best scorer of the series with 83 goals in 18 matches. Last season, Vojput did not participate in the SEHA League, but won the Serbian Cup.
"I'm really glad that we signed experienced Bojan. He is a good replacement for Captain Teemu Tamminen. Already in his first training he showed that he he has a good shot, speed and active defense," said head coach Gintaras Savukynas.