Officially: Martin Larsen moves to Pauc

Written by: Thomas Mielcke
Pays d’Aix from the best French league is the next destination for the danish player Martin Larsen.
The future of Martin Larsen is now officially in place.
After this season the Danish right back continues his career in the French club Pays d’Aix, which will be his first foreign adventure after always playing for Aalborg. Pays d’Aix is currently number eight in the best French league and is trained by the former French world star Jerome Fernandez.
"I'm very happy to join Pays d’Aix. It's a good team in a very strong league, and I'm very exicted for the new challenges," said 26-year-old Martin Larsen in a press release.
The manager in Pays d’Aix Stéphane Cambriels is very pleased with the contract with Martin Larsen.
"Martin is a good product from Aalborg. He will strengthen our right side and have experience from the Champions League," said Stéphane Cambriels.
Martin Larsen has signed a contract until 2020.