Metalurg-winger out for at least 6 months!

Written by: Rasmus Boysen
The 23-year-old Croatian left wing of RK Metalurg, Martin Marcec, has destroyed his front cruciate ligament and is out for at least 6 months!
After a great start of the season for the Croatian left wing of RK Metalurg, the worst case scenario happened to Martin Marcec. He has been suffering from a serious knee injury acquired by a bad fall during a game against RK Nexe in the SEHA League.
The 23-year-old left wing, who joined RK Metalurg from the Croatian club GRK Varazdin 1930 for this season, might has time to make a comeback at the end of this season.
RK Metalurg now only has Slovenian Tadej Matijasic and the young 19-year old Macedonian Davor Palevski in the squad on the left wing position
See this summers signings of RK Metalurg here.