Talented left wing to Leipzig

Photo: H-BW.de
Written by: Rasmus Boysen
The 22-year-old talented German left wing of HBW Balingen-Weilstetten, Yves Kunkel, has signed a 2-year contract with the Bundesliga rivals SC DHfK Leipzig from next season to the summer of 2019. The current left wing of the East German club, Marvin Sommer, leaves when his contract expires at the end of this season.
Press release from SC DHfK Leipzig:
SC DHfK Leipzig signs Yves Kunkel
The 22-year-old has signed a two-year contract. Marvin Sommer leaves SC DHfK at the end of the season.
The first new entry for the 2017/18 season is certain. The SC DHfK Leipzig secures the services of top talent Yves Kunkel. The 22-year-old left-wing moves from League rivals HBW Balingen-Weilstetten to Saxony and has signed a two-year contract.
With 71 league goals Kunkel is currently the best scorer of the Balingers and is ranked fifth in the scoreline list of the DKB Handball Bundesliga. In addition, the Saarlander is a safe penalty shooter. No other player has scored more goals from the seventh meter line in the current season (36).
"I am very happy about the commitment of Yves Kunkel. Yves has developed enormously in recent years and fits perfectly into our requirements profile. He is a young German player who embodies the virtues and character traits that characterize our team. He is very ambitious and development-oriented, has good defense qualities and is also a very good penalty shooter. With Lukas Binder and Yves Kunkel we have a top duo at the left-wing position in the next two years," says head coach Christian Prokop.
Yves Kunkel won the European Championship title in 2014 with the German junior national team. One year later, he played his only A-national cap for the German national team. In Leipzig, the 22-year-old would like to recommend himself for the national team with good performances: "I would like to take the next step forward in the sport and the concept in Leipzig appeals to me. In the next two years, I would like to get the best possible results with the SC DHfK Leipzig and recommend me with good performances for the national team. I still know relatively little about the city, but on a free weekend I will visit the city soon with my girlfriend. Now, however, my focus is first and foremost on Balingen," says Kunkel.
Marvin Sommer's contract, which expires at the end of the season, will not be extended. After many injuries, Sommer was only in the squad once in this season. By mutual agreement, the players and the club agreed that a new start would be the best step for the current situation of the 24-year-old left wing.