Austrian profile joins Arendal

Photo: TV Korschenbroich
Written by: Thomas Mielcke
Routine goalkeeper Thomas Bauer goes to ØIF Arendal.
The Norwegian league club ØIF Arendal has announced a deal with the Austria national goalkeeper Thomas Bauer.
32-year-old Bauer has represented Austria three times at the European Championships, most recently in Croatia, and two times at the World Championships. And he has played in the best French league and German league.
"Thomas Bauer will raise the team both in the training arena and, of course, in battle. We will not only get a good goalkeeper. We also get a good goalkeeper. A mentor," said ØIF Arendals head coach Marinko Kurtović to ØIF Arendals website.
Thomas Bauer debuts against Bækkelaget in February. He takes his wife, Laura, to Norway, who is also goalkeeper and has played 146 international matches for Austria. She is going to play for Grane.